Tag Archives: Health Rehabilitation

Warning Signs of Domestic Violence
Domestic abuse is a serious and sensitive subject, and victims need all the help they need to recover holistically. With our recovery program in Los Angeles, California, we have met several individuals sharing horrid abuse stories. How do you...
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Common Signs of Alcohol Dependence
Alcohol dependence is an addiction to drinking alcohol and involves the inability to manage one’s drinking habits. Also called alcohol use disorder, many individuals struggle with alcohol dependence because they often feel they cannot function...
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Is Your Loved One Struggling with Drug Addiction?
Recognizing the signs of addiction will help you take a closer look at a potential problem and provide help to your loved ones as early as possible. Most individuals struggling with addiction may find it hard to admit that they have a problem....
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How Methamphetamine Destroys the Body
Meth is one of the most abused drugs in the United States. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that there are about 1 million people who are suffering from meth abuse disorders in the United States. It’s a serious situation that...
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Cognitive Damages to the Brain Because of Alcohol
If you’ve been a heavy drinker for a greater part of your life, you definitely noticed that you are experiencing mental impairments after two or three drinks. These impairments are, in fact, one of the major reasons why an alcoholic takes the...
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The Dangerous Effects of Alcohol on Your Body
A lot of people don’t notice right away that they are already adopting a new unhealthy habit until it is already too late. These people go on with their lives not caring about the risks that come along with their lifestyle choices. Oftentimes,...
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