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Author Archives: Louise Savoie


How Methamphetamine Destroys the Body

Meth is one of the most abused drugs in the United States. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that there are about 1 million people who are suffering from meth abuse disorders in the United States. It’s a serious situation that...

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Cognitive Damages to the Brain Because of Alcohol

If you’ve been a heavy drinker for a greater part of your life, you definitely noticed that you are experiencing mental impairments after two or three drinks. These impairments are, in fact, one of the major reasons why an alcoholic takes the...

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Habits to Avoid If You Don’t Want to Relapse

Relapse is the last thing that someone who is undergoing substance abuse treatment wants to happen. Every day is a challenge for them. They try their very best to recover from a habit that puts their health at risk. Oftentimes, there are even...

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The Dangerous Effects of Alcohol on Your Body

A lot of people don’t notice right away that they are already adopting a new unhealthy habit until it is already too late. These people go on with their lives not caring about the risks that come along with their lifestyle choices. Oftentimes,...

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Staying Sober Despite Anxiety and Worry

Anxiety is the most common mental problem in the United States, affecting more than 40 million adults to date. About 37% of those suffering from anxiety receive professional treatment, while the rest tend to turn to alcohol or drugs for...

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Sobriety: Saving Your Health and Wallet

Since each person differs in alcohol intake, there is no easy way to calculate the exact cost of alcohol consumed. With this in mind, pinning down an accurate price is difficult. However, it is an accepted fact that alcohol consumption...

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